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Chew on this.....

My grandmother forwarded me an email today, Subject: "Mockery". If you haven't received it yet, you probably will because it's one of those "black-folks-gotta-do-better" messages that people LOVE to pass around. For the record, I am NOT a fan of forwards! Most of them get deleted without being read. But I read this one. The subject title intrigued me - and I have to say this "black-folks-gotta-do-better" email actually has a very good read it and chew on this today....

"I hope that you are excited about Senator Barack Obama's recent election to the Presidency of the United States of America. I am sure that you have received emails and text messages joking about the obvious cultural shift that is about to take place in the White House...and while some may be on point, some are (no matter how "humorous") dangerous. How WE carry ourselves is more important than ever before.

It is funny how we can't stand Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Reilly for their condescending and surreptitious attacks on Obama; but we email and text blast everyone from the 'hood about "free BBQ on the White House lawn" and messages of the like...Let's be real, it is the same song, just a different band...

We cannot allow our President-elect to be made a mockery of, ESPECIALLY BY HIS OWN PEOPLE! Not only does he represent everything that is great about our nation; Barack Obama literally personifies how awesome we are as a people. His wisdom, his poise, his eloquence, his fortitude, even his swagger...illustrate the greatness of a people who have been dismissed, discarded, discouraged, and disregarded by not only "the majority, but also by our own.

So, today when you get the stereotypical, shuck and jive, hee-haw emails or texts about our President-elect from our own people, think of how much pleasure that some ignorant, hate-filled racist would get from that message...and then, remember the sacrifices that were made so that this is even possible...

I dare you...forward THIS message, like the ones about fried chicken, basketball, and red Kool-Aid and pimped-out Presidential vehicles in the White House. Challenge every Black person you know to stop making a mockery of our President-elect, our country and our people."

Maybe this hit me today because I'm actually guilty of it myself. Remember that text that was going around about Barack pulling up the rose garden to plant collard greens? Yeah....I forwarded that one. Guilty. But I won't be participating in this mockery again.

What about you? Let's talk about it in Comments.


ash said...

Those messages are very aggrevating....I dont foward them via text or email, but I am guilty of laughing at them...but whomever started this forward is correct in their assesment. If we saw some of the text I got in a white circle, we would be pissed!!!! Having a black president raises the bar. I am proud and elated that I was apart of history, but was have so much work to do....

Unknown said...

My sentiments exactly.